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Analogue Control vs. Digital Control

1) Advantages of Analogue Control


Simplest form of humidity control - Stand-alone.

Cheaper than Digital Control.


2) Disadvantages of Analogue Control

Drying time greatly dependent on the photo-shoot outing site such as highly humid area by the seaside.

Requires frequent RH adjustment through the control knob.

Difficulty in obtaining the exact RH value


3) Advantages of Digital Control


Faster drying capability.

No fine tuning or frequent adjusting required. The %RH will not go below your set value.

Memory that remember your set %RH even after a power blackout.

Peace of mind. Just key in your desired %RH once, and it will maintain %RH for life.


BLACK LABEL COLLECTION represents AIPO's signature DIGITAL CONTROL EX series, designed to give professionals, total peace of mind.

A digital control utilizes a feedback control loop to accurately control the humidity reading within the preset value.

Users are only required to key in the ideal %RH once and the rest is being handled by the feedback control loop.

The drying module will operate with full rated power whenever the internal %RH is above the preset %RH value.

The power supply to the drying module will be cut once the preset %RH is reached, thus ensuring that the internal %RH does not get too dry.

An in-built memory makes sure that the preset %RH is stored and no re-adjustment is necessary after a power black out

No battery is required to operate the digital meter.

Much faster drying capability than analog control.







Proling Technology
2073, Jalan Datuk Haji Ahmad Badawi,
13200 Kepala Batas, Seberang Perai Utara. Penang.
H/P: 012-4229005 Fax: 04-575 7609
© 2009 Proling Technology